Digital Transformation (DT): An Overview of International Scientific Production in the Last Decade
Digital transformation, Technology productivity, Digital Technology, systematic literature reviewAbstract
Purpose: To describe the state of the art of digital transformation research, providing an overview of some trends in international scientific articles and recommendations for future research.
Methodology/approach: Systematic Literature Review. To select the papers on Digital Transformation (DT) to be evaluated, we retrieved all articles from the Scopus and Wef of Science (WoS) databases. We used "Digital transformation" OR "Digital Transfor*."
Originality/Relevance: Companies have reaped the benefits of increased cost and productivity of technology, which has led to the emergence of new products and services based on technology and information systems.
Key findings: This systematic literature review aims to help managers understand the phenomenon of DT, encourage them to think differently about it, and enable the development of interesting empirical studies in subsequent research.
The work aims to support managers in responding to the strategic challenges of DT.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: This paper aims to serve as a basis for further research in this area in order to broaden the scope of scientific discussions on the impact of TD. We provide an updated review on DT from a management perspective, synthesizing and integrating the current state of knowledge in a comprehensive and connective framework, highlighting aspects on Fashion Industry, Market orientation, digital transformation, Innovative Pedagogical Approaches, Digital Technology and Revenue Management.
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