The role of marketing in education for sustainable consumption: A multiple case study of companies with sustainable positioning




Marketing, Consumer education, Consumption, Sustainability


Purpose: to understand the role that marketing can play in educating consumers to acquire sustainable consumption habits.

Methodology/approach: exploratory qualitative research based on the multiple case study method, with in-depth interviews with marketing managers and actions developed to educate the customers.

Originality/Relevance: this study innovates by analyzing three cases of companies with sustainable positioning, verifying sustainable practices in their marketing mix as managerial contribution.

Key findings: it was clear that they need to carry out an analysis of their value chains before applying sustainability elements to their marketing mix to educate their consumers. It is important that they first understand whether they are in fact acting sustainably, and then create actions in this direction.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: the managerial model has shown that companies with a sustainable positioning can follow it to approach marketing strategies that educate their consumers in relation to sustainable consumption.


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Author Biographies

Maria Fernanda Cury Camis Sisternas Fiorenzo, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), São Paulo

Graduada em Administração de Empresas pela ESPM São Paulo.

Thelma Valeria Rocha, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), São Paulo

Professor in the Graduate Program in Administration (PPGA) and the Professional Master's in Consumer Behavior (MPCC) at ESPM, with 24 years of experience. Holds a Ph.D. in Administration (Marketing) from FEA-USP, a Master’s in Marketing Administration from EAESP/FGV, and a specialization in International Business from the Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden). Graduated in Business Administration (FEA-USP) and Production Engineering (FEI). Has supervised 32 graduate theses (23 master’s, 8 doctoral, and 1 postdoctoral) and published over 50 articles in journals such as the Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Management, and RBGN. Served as PPGA coordinator (2012–2015), during which the program received a CAPES rating of 4 and obtained doctoral program approval. Author of 11 books, including the Internationalization of Brazilian Franchises series (6 volumes). Research interests include International Franchising, International Marketing Strategy, and Relationship Marketing. Also an Anthroposophic Art Therapist with a private studio and a member of SAB.

Caline Migliato, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), São Paulo

Professional with over 20 years of experience in communication (press relations, public relations, and writing), digital marketing (content marketing and digital products), fashion, and innovation (agile methodologies/Scrum). Holds a master’s degree in Business Management (FIA), a postgraduate degree in Fashion Journalism (UFV, Madrid), and a bachelor’s degree in Social Communication - Journalism (PUC-Campinas). Author of the book Moda em Pauta. Lived in Spain for two years, working for the Spanish editions of Vogue and InStyle magazines and as a public relations specialist for the brand Delpozo. Back in Brazil, worked at Grupo Estado, Manequim and Glamour magazines, and served as Content Marketing Manager at Dafiti Group. Currently, she is a faculty member in the undergraduate Business Administration program at ESPM.


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How to Cite

Fiorenzo, M. F. C. C. S., Rocha, T. V., & Migliato, C. (2025). The role of marketing in education for sustainable consumption: A multiple case study of companies with sustainable positioning. Journal of Sustainable Competitive Intelligence, 15(00), e0476.


